This has nothing to do with the limit. rejection of these redundancies. an attitude that accepts everything immediately and is against adding to the stack without question.
No. I'm stupid and I refuse to learn these things. Whether it's Docker, Kubernetes, Webpack, how to configure Postgres, how to operate Postgres, or anything Linux Sysadmin related.
Change "I'm not smart enough" for "This works well enough for me and I don't want to add unnecessary complexity"
All of the things you mentioned take like at most day to learn the basics of. If you don't need them yet, good for you - life is simple.
If you need them, good for you - you have a product that people use.
Thanks, mate, you just gave me a hope :) Stupid programmers, UNITE!
On the off chance this isn't comedy. Please don't self limit! You can learn all of those things as you need them.
This has nothing to do with the limit. rejection of these redundancies. an attitude that accepts everything immediately and is against adding to the stack without question.
No. I'm stupid and I refuse to learn these things. Whether it's Docker, Kubernetes, Webpack, how to configure Postgres, how to operate Postgres, or anything Linux Sysadmin related.
He is literally me!
Horribly stupid post.
Oof, quite vile. Are you butthurt?
> I always send POST requests. I put the function name in the url. I encode the parameters and return values as json data in the request body.
While almost everything in this post is not stupid and not harmful, this one may be a security risk, depending on implementation. Take care!